result count: 5

Sys421586_nameBuscar la placa IIIFinding Tablet - III
Sys421586_szquest_accept_detailEn cuanto a la [111778|Placa de piedra 8], la [111779|Placa de piedra 9] y la [111781|Placa de piedra 10], creo que alguien las ha visto al oeste, en el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], en las proximidades del [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Campamento del Valle Invernoche]. No sé si esta información es fiable, pero vale la pena comprobarlo.About the wherabouts of [111778|Stone Tablet 8], [111779|Stone Tablet 9], and [111781|Stone Tablet 10], I believe that someone found these tablets to the West on the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], roughly near the [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Winternight Valley Camp]. I don't know if this is reliable, but it's worth checking out.
Sys421586_szquest_complete_detail¡Qué historia tan terrible! ¡Todos luchaban por la espada! ¡Cuánto derramamiento de sangre! Debéis mantener la calma y estar alerta. La historia podría repetirse...This was a horrible story! Everyone fighting to get the sword! So much bloodshed. You must remain calm and alert... History could repeat itself...
Sys421586_szquest_descBuscad la [111778|Placa de piedra 8], la [111779|Placa de piedra 9] y la [111781|Placa de piedra 10] al oeste del [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], cerca del [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Campamento del Valle Invernoche].Find [111778|Stone Tablet 8], [111779|Stone Tablet 9], and [111781|Stone Tablet 10] in the area to the west of the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], near the [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Winternight Valley Camp].
Sys421586_szquest_uncomplete_detail¡No! He vuelto a perderme de mi equipo...\n\n¿Cómo puede haberme pasado esto? Dejé miguitas de pan por el camino para saber volver, pero han desaparecido.\n\nDebo investigar este nuevo misterio, las migas de pan desaparecidas.Oh no... I got lost from my team again...\n\nHow can this have happened?! I had placed bread crumbs along the way so I could find my way back... but now they're all gone...\n\nI must investigate this new mystery - the disappearing breadcrumbs!