result count: 5

Sys421588_nameFinding Tablet - IV
Sys421588_szquest_accept_detail[111770|Tatasha] has found out the location of the final three tablets. They are down South near the entrance to [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn]! [111770|Tatasha] will massage your tired muscles. Once you've rested, proceed with great care.
Sys421588_szquest_complete_detailAh! I understand now. The Eulogy of Blood was created by Malarick Wind and was originally named the Eulogy of Wind. However, it was tainted by the Bloodlord Androth and became a terrifying tool.\n\nSo the last person that we know had it was the Bloodlord Androth?
Sys421588_szquest_descSearch for [111782|Stone Tablet 11], [111783|Stone Tablet 12], and [111784|Stone Tablet 13] near the entrance to [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn] in the south.
Sys421588_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh no... I got lost from my team again...\n\nHow can this have happened?! I had placed bread crumbs along the way so I could find my way back... but now they're all gone...\n\nI must investigate this new mystery - the disappearing breadcrumbs!