result count: 5

Sys421590_nameDamn Marauding Bandits
Sys421590_szquest_accept_detailRobbing every day! They can never get enough! If this continues, how can we live? Think about us poor people! They pillaged our village and destroyed it! Who spares a thought for us poor villagers?? Should we become bandits too?!\n\nWe want to return to our own village. Whoever can stop the Tonk Gang from ambushing the Rothrock Transport Team and eliminate some [<S>103104|Marauding Bandits] will receive our few remaining rewards!
Sys421590_szquest_complete_detailPlease take these rewards, or they'll be stolen by those bandits too!\n\nI'd rather use these rewards to get their lives than have it stolen!
Sys421590_szquest_descStop the Tonk Gang from ambushing the Rothrock Transport Team and kill 10 [<S>103104|Marauding Bandits], then return for your rewards.
Sys421590_szquest_uncomplete_detailStop the Tonk Gang from ambushing the Rothrock Transport Team and kill those [<S>103104|Marauding Bandits] and you can get our remaining rewards!