result count: 5

Sys421592_nameA Disgrace to the Armor of the Knights
Sys421592_szquest_accept_detailThose who wear the armor of knights and brandish weapons meant to protect the people but then turn around and hurt the people, ptooey! They insult the knighthood.\n\nYou're a good kid. Go teach those [<S>103539|Corrupt Avano Knights] or [<S>103541|Honorless Knights] a lesson, take of their tattered armor, and come back and find me for a prize. If that armor could speak, it would surely thank you for saving it from the fate of covering the bodies of that scum!
Sys421592_szquest_complete_detailGood job! You have my thanks
Sys421592_szquest_descDefeat the [<S>103539|Corrupt Avano Knights] and the [<S>103541|Honorless Knights], and bring back [<S>206758|Broken Knight Armor].
Sys421592_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhile the [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] Knights can't compare to the Lionheart Knights, their name was once glorious. Now, though, it's synonymous with a gang of bandits...sigh...