result count: 5

Sys421605_nameChailik's Help
Sys421605_szquest_accept_detailMaybe this ancient compass can lead you to the tablets with the records of the forger. And such we could, through the use of ancestral powers, then find out more about the whereabouts of the Eulogy of Blood and Malarick.\n\n([110317|Lajos Halka] thinks deeply.)\n\nTake this letter to [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp] and give it to my old friend, [110327|Chailik]. He will help us.
Sys421605_szquest_complete_detail[110317|Lajos Halka] sent you?
Sys421605_szquest_descTake [203459|Lajos Halka's Letter] to [110327|Chailik] in [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp].
Sys421605_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere is a chaos in the movement of the wind...