result count: 5
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Sys421681_name | Compartir | Share |
Sys421681_szquest_accept_detail | Sólo con miraros me doy cuenta de que sois un aventurero extraordinario y que sería un placer para mí trabajar con vos.\n\n¿En qué os gustaría cooperar? ¡Claro, queréis ir a la [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Cueva del Tesoro] y buscar el tesoro! Yo no quiero mucho; solo algunas bolas de cristal hechas con gemas. Me quedaré aquí para vigilar, es peligroso.\n\n¡Espero que vuestro viaje sea fructífero! | Just looking at you I can tell you're an extraordinary adventurer, and it would be my pleasure to work with you.\n\nWhat would you like to cooperate on? Of course, you want to go to [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove] and search for treasure! I don't want a lot; just some crystal balls made of gems. I'll stay here as a lookout, it's dangerous.\n\nI hope your trip is fruitful! |
Sys421681_szquest_complete_detail | ¡Exactamente este tipo de bola de cristal de gemas!\n\nAunque actualmente el precio del mercado no refleja el valor del tesoro de la cueva secreta, mirad esta fantástica forma y textura. Sé que algún día tendrá mayor valor. | Exactly this kind of gem crystal ball!\n\nAlthough the market price currently does not reflect the value of the treasure from the secret cave, just look at this fantastic shape and texture. I know it will rise in value one day. |
Sys421681_szquest_desc | Entrad en la [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Cueva del Tesoro] y buscad el tesoro a lo largo del camino. Traed 3 [<S>203610|Bolas de cristal amarillas], 2 [<S>203611|Bolas de cristal carmesíes] y 2 [<S>203612|Bolas de cristal azules] y entregádselo todo a [112104|Peliak]. | Enter [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove] and search for treasure along the path. Bring back 3 [<S>203610|Yellow Crystal Balls], 2 [<S>203611|Crimson Crystal Balls], and 2 [<S>203612|Blue Crystal Balls] to give to [112104|Peliak]. |
Sys421681_szquest_uncomplete_detail | ¡Daos prisa y buscad el tesoro!\n\nDejadme esta ingrata y peligrosa vigilancia a mí, [112104|Peliak]. | Hurry up and hunt for treasure!\n\nJust leave this thankless, dangerous lookout work to me, [112104|Peliak]. |