result count: 5

Sys421695_nameDelivery Cart, a good disguise?
Sys421695_szquest_accept_detailMeself, [112124|Los'hudanel], [112125|Lame Aysus] and [112127|Treacherous Masheg] have never been able to resolve which among us is the most amazing, so we've decided to let the terrifying Shadowmoon Pirates judge- whichever of us most amazes them will be the winner. \n\nHowever, provoking the Shadowmoon Pirates is very risky business, well beyond my ability. But you're different... surely a mighty adventurer such as yourself could not refuse to help us... whatdayasay?\n\nGo on my behalf to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], take the [203626|Lucky Egg] from [112131|Porgy's Box] and return. If you can't get close enough to [100350|Rotten-nose Porgy's] tent, try hiding inside a [112266|Delivery Cart] on the west coast of [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] to get close to the tent.
Sys421695_szquest_complete_detailWonderful! [203626|Porgy's Lucky Egg] will definitely bring me victory...
Sys421695_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], take the [203626|Lucky Egg] from [112131|Porgy's Box] and return. You may hide inside a [112266|Delivery Cart] on the coast to get close to [100350|Rotten-nose Porgy's] tent.
Sys421695_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere's no way they'll beat taking the [203626|Porgy's Lucky Egg]. This time I've won for sure...