result count: 18

SC_421703Must be used on the [100336|Shadowmoon Wanderer]!
SC_421703_1Tell me about the Black Sail Pirates.
SC_421703_10But who wouldn't have expected a curse! That treasure was covered in a terrifying curse!
SC_421703_11Oh, I don't want to remember that terrible scene again...
SC_421703_12Shadowmoon Pirates can't take torture. He fainted...
SC_421703_2Black Sail Pirates! I can't talk about it. It would be like pouring salt water into my wounds. I won't say a word...
SC_421703_3What happened between the Black Sail Pirates and the Shadowmoon Pirates?
SC_421703_4Boy, unless you're one of us, you're not going to get any information from me! Haha! But to join us will cost you, your whole life...
SC_421703_5Make us talk about the Black Sail Pirates, ay...
SC_421703_6What? I'd rather tell you about the bar owner's lovers than ever speak of the Black Sail Pirates...
SC_421703_7If you do not tell me what happened with the Black Sail Pirates, I will make you eat this...
SC_421703_8No... Please stop! I'll tell you everything...
SC_421703_9It was First Mate [100337|Huck] who made everyone revolt against Captain Snow. We shared the treasure...
Sys421703_nameThe Cold Truth of Betrayal
Sys421703_szquest_accept_detailHey! Adventurer! You know the two things pirates do most often?\n\nThe answer is drinkin' and betrayin'.\n\nBe especially careful your so-called "friends"- at the most critical moment they can stick a dagger in your back. Just look at the Blake family... they're an excellent example.\n\nI've always been curious about what happened between the Shadowmoon Pirates and Black Sail Pirates all those years ago... but they never tell. But don't worry, just take this [203627|Interrogation Needle] to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] and use it on those [100336|Shadowmoon Wanderer]. Among pirates there's always one who breaks and "shares" information.
Sys421703_szquest_complete_detailA curse?....Haha... So that's what happened...\n\nIt's not for nothing that the Shadowmoon pirates have grown so powerful. I fancy that after betraying the Blake family they were subjected to a curse that altered their bodies and made them immortal...\n\nImmortality is more a curse than a blessing.
Sys421703_szquest_descTake [203627|Interrogation Needle] to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], use it on the [100336|Shadowmoon Wanderer] until you get the truth of the betrayal out of them, then return and tell [112127|Treacherous Masheg].
Sys421703_szquest_uncomplete_detailUse [203627|Interrogation Needle] on the [100336|Shadowmoon Wanderer] and then return here to tell me what you find out.