result count: 5

Sys421709_nameA Simple Weeding Job
Sys421709_szquest_accept_detailThe next challenge is very simple too.\n\nStop babbling. If you can go outside and kill 10 [<S>100603|Dry Demon Weeds], then maybe we can talk.
Sys421709_szquest_complete_detailWhat? You did it again?!\n\nUm... that's no big deal either. I just shut my eyes to kill those [<S>100603|Dry Demon Weeds] and didn't get the slightest injury. I bet you can't say the same.
Sys421709_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>100603|Dry Demon Weeds] outside the [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] and come back to [112124|Los'hudanel].
Sys421709_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou think every pirate has the nerve to stick his knife into his enemy? Pirates like that worm-eating [112126|Nauseating Lanait] and dirty trickster [112127|Treacherous Masheg] definitely couldn't, not to mention that one-legged old braggart [112125|Lame Aysus].