result count: 5

Sys421711_nameBreakthrough in Reputation
Sys421711_szquest_accept_detailThese tests I've given you may seem trivial, but if you want to be admired you must make people tremble as soon as they see you.\n\nNormally the only way to scare people is to kill one of those that have already gained a high reputation. But I have a simple way to help you start scaring people straight away. \n\nThe Shadowmoon Pirates are the most dreaded among the pirates. Go to the [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] and kill 8 [<S>100335|Wretched Shadowmoon Sailors] and 10 [<S>100336|Shadowmoon Wanderers]. If you eliminate those most dreaded pirates, people instantly will know you as someone that needs to be feared.
Sys421711_szquest_complete_detailPirates will start talking about you, especially the fact that you had the courage to kill those Shadowmoon pirates. Every person who hates them will applaud your actions.
Sys421711_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove]and kill 8 [<S>100335|Wretched Shadowmoon Sailors] and 10 [<S>100336|Shadowmoon Wanderers]. When you've finished, return and find [112124|Los'hudanel].
Sys421711_szquest_uncomplete_detailEliminating those most dreaded pirates, people instantly will know you as someone that needs to be feared.