result count: 9

SC_421723You haven't laid out enough items to lure [101560|Annoqua].
SC_421723_1Maybe you should take [203637|Giant Scale] and go find [112139|Sonora]!
SC_421723_2Presenting sacrificial offerings.
Sys421723_nameHuge Lizard Annoqua
Sys421723_shortnoteTo be taken from the [<S>100595|Deadland Lizards].
Sys421723_szquest_accept_detailAh... After Pannisa's death, the young lady became so depressed!\n\nI recently found out that she is using some drug to temporarily raise her strength. I asked her about it but she wasn't willing to talk about it! I'm worried about her health! Unfortunately the merchants' medicine business doesn't have much selection.\n\nOh, if we had [101560|Annoqua's] [203637|Giant Scale] on hand it would be fine. It is said these can cleanse the body of all potent poison and have a healing effect as well.\n\n(Seeing [112139|Sonora] worried like this, you tell her you will get the [203637|Giant Scale].)\n\nOh, that isn't something anybody can do. You would have to use [<S>203638|Glossy Scales] from the [<S>100595|Deadland Lizards] as bait. Put them on top of the rocks that they come to most frequently to lure [101560|Annoqua] and get her [203637|Giant Scale].
Sys421723_szquest_complete_detailYou got it! Nobody has been able to get a [203637|Giant Scale] from [101560|Annoqua], yet you did it!\n\nI will waste no time in using this [203637|Giant Scale]!\n\nWith this, she will be able to recover quickly.\n\nThank you!
Sys421723_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains] and obtain 10 [<S>203638|Glossy Scales] from the [<S>100595|Deadland Lizards] in order to use them as a bait. Put them on the [<S>112164|Slick Rocks] at the shore of the northern lake in the central plains to lure [101560|Annoqua], then get the [203637|Giant Scale] from [101560|Annoqua] and give it to [112139|Sonora].
Sys421723_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease be careful .