result count: 5

Sys421738_nameSecret of the Pocket Watch
Sys421738_szquest_accept_detailI'll give the [203694|Pocketwatch] back to you. And also keep this [203692|Family Portrait] that I found inside the little keepsake compartment that I made, probably put there by the [203694|Pocketwatch's] owner. \n\nIt's a wonderful [203692|Family Portrait]! Envy won't get you anywhere, besides, I've already decided to devote my life to the study of Rune Science...\n\nOops, I've said too much! You are going to take this [203694|Pocketwatch] and picture back with you, aren't you?
Sys421738_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! You brought it back!\n\nEh? That's not a necklace, it's a [203694|Pocketwatch]?!
Sys421738_szquest_descTell [112142|Majoshat Oley] about the [203692|Family Portrait] found inside [112138|Tooda's] [203694|Pocketwatch].
Sys421738_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow did the investigations go?\n\nIf you could have brought [112138|Tooda's] necklace back she would have been so happy?!