result count: 4

Sys421765_nameHot on the Trail
Sys421765_szquest_accept_detailI saw them! The guy with the [204010|Silk Scarf] you mentioned and [112375|Samuel Yale] left together.\n\n[112375|Samuel Yale] looks more beautiful today than ever.\n\nIf I didn't already know he was actually a man, I'd probably mistake him for a woman! \n\nI'm not sure exactly where they're headed, but I do know that they're going to a wild place where there aren't many people. \n\nAs you are here to ask on behalf of the servant of the fellow with the [204010|Silk Scarf]. He can't even protect himself... so maybe you better should go with him on the chase!\n\nYou don't want another dead body in the [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands] do you?
Sys421765_szquest_complete_detailHow far have things progressed?
Sys421765_szquest_descTell everything you have learned to [112302|Tabobi Sagan] at the [ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST|Khalara Watchtower].