result count: 8

SC_421774Very well. Please tell me what you want to say.
SC_421774_1I am a mage hoping to promote the expansion of the essence of magic, and let the people of the world understand the benefits of magic. One day I will achieve this goal: Anyone can become a mage!\n\nYes! Even laymen who don't understand magic can use this [112412|Mana Storage Ball]. It can be put to use in daily life, for security, or even for fighting crime.\n\nBut... My beautiful vision that I've worked so hard on has been criticized as useless by my childhood friend, [112415|Utofi Lela]!\n\nHe received mercenary training at the famous [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold], and as he's grown older has rejected magic. He believes the power I'm using is evil witchcraft, and has taken all the travelers I've taught to undergo "Magic is Useless" baptism!\nHow did I get involved with such a troublemaker!\n\nYou're just in time. I've come up with a complete set of steps you can easily master, guaranteed to make full use of magic's effectiveness. Then, heh heh... [112415|Utofi Lela] won't be able to contradict me.
SC_421774_2I see.
Sys421774_nameAbsolutely Not Black Magic
Sys421774_szquest_accept_detailYou can learn a lot by listening to me... from my methods, my theories and also my story.
Sys421774_szquest_complete_detailYou already know what I want to do.\n\nSo help me!\n\nLet's take it to the next level!
Sys421774_szquest_descListen to [112414|Famanti Sica] elaborate on his ideas.
Sys421774_szquest_uncomplete_detailNone of the things I want to do are easy...\n\nBut that does not dissuade me!