result count: 12

SC_421793_0Teacher! Teacher! Do you know whom I just bumped in to?
SC_421793_1Speak slowly... Speak slowly.... With whom did you just run in to?
SC_421793_2It was [101607|Black Swordsman]!
SC_421793_3Oh? And how did you come across him?
SC_421793_4You know how I was going to [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] to take care of some business? Well, when I was passing by [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast], I was attacked by pirates! Fortunately, [101607|Black Swordsman] appeared and saved me!
SC_421793_5What! You were attacked? Were you injured at all?
SC_421793_6I wasn't injured, but, in saving me, [101607|Black Swordsman] was slashed once by a knife! But he still quite heroically drove those pirates back!
SC_421793_7Really! I want to go tell [112212|Big Dennis]! He'll be jealous, for sure!
Sys421793_nameSailor's Warning
Sys421793_szquest_accept_detailYou... I remember you. Before, when my brothers and I went to [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind] to drive off those research rats, you were there.\n\nHumph! I don't know why [101607|Black Swordsman] appeared to help those research rats, but now those guys will suffer!\n\nWhen the Shadowmoon Pirates learned that he'd returned, [100337|Huck] put out word that the unfinished business from more than 20 years ago should be resolved, and called for him to show himself.\n\nIf he doesn't show himself it doesn't matter. The Shadowmoon Pirates know who he's helping, and they know how to force him out.\n\nGo tell those research rats! Tell them to give the message to [101607|Black Swordsman].\n\nDidn't we tell them to leave? Now they've provoked the Shadowmoon Pirates, heh heh... this should be a good show.
Sys421793_szquest_complete_detailThis is serious...\n\nBut I don't believe [101607|Black Swordsman] will lose to them. Ailic's Community is the world's foremost authority on transport magic! Even if he can't beat them, escape won't be a problem.
Sys421793_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind] and deliver the Shadowmoon Pirates' message to the people of Ailic's Community.