result count: 4

Sys421794_nameImpart Information
Sys421794_szquest_accept_detailShe just won't be still for a minute, and won't let people finish speaking...\n\nIf it's not too much trouble, can you help? I originally wanted to ask [112213|Miffy Riley] to take the message to [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town] in the north, but she ran off before I finished talking. Can you help me inform the people there?\n\nJust tell [112212|Big Dennis] he's more trustworthy than [112213|Miffy Riley].
Sys421794_szquest_complete_detailWhat? Shadowmoon Pirates!\n\nThis is awful. They don't know how fearsome the Shadowmoon Pirates are... Ow! Ouch!\n\nIt's too bad I hurt my hand now...
Sys421794_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town] in the north, find [112212|Big Dennis], and tell him about the safety warning.