result count: 5

Sys421808_nameBandit Leader Lamud
Sys421808_szquest_accept_detailAmong the scum in [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port], there's one especially bad guy called [100353|Lamud], the leader of the band of hooligans. Bring me the bastard's head and I'll give you a huge reward!\n\nWhy do I hate him so much, you ask? Ok! It won't hurt to tell you. It's because a few nights ago the brothers and I were on a routine patrol mission, and that guy unexpectedly brought a band of hooligans to attack us. My good friend Rikon tried to cover me, and they cruelly killed him! I really want to personally avenge his death, but the captain won't allow us to disrupt the whole plan for personal reasons. So, I can only ask for your help, adventurer.\n\nPlease "convey" the full extent of my rage to him!
Sys421808_szquest_complete_detailThis is that guy's head?\n\n([112234|Labur] glances at [203735|Lamud's Skull], and uses his broad axe to shatter its forehead)\n\nHumph! This one's for Rikon!\n\n([112234|Labur's] mood is somewhat restored, and he looks at you full of gratitude)\n\nI believe Rikon's soul can rest in peace now because of this. Thanks for your help, adventurer. This is the payment I promised.
Sys421808_szquest_descKill the hooligan leader [100353|Lamud] in [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] for [112234|Labur] and bring back [203735|Lamud's Skull].
Sys421808_szquest_uncomplete_detailRikon... I will avenge your death!