result count: 5

Sys421812_nameThe Cost of Honor
Sys421812_szquest_accept_detailI know, you're probably planning to say something to comfort me, you're really very kind, but honestly, there's no need. When Rikon joined the Varanas City Guard I learned to face this kind of thing. The Rhodes Family cherishes their family honor. You could say that dying for one's honor is a best way to go.\n\nDon't think that I'll take it too hard and do something stupid. Grief and despair are unavoidable in this life. At times like this, often the best thing is to puff on a pipe and settle your nerves. Waddyaknow! My tabork pouch is empty and my legs are aching. If you really want to help me, go to the shack at the manor gate and bring me back a [203744|Freshly Harvested Tabork]. That's the best help you can give me right now. Please! Young'un!
Sys421812_szquest_complete_detailThank you, kiddo, this is a great help to me.\n\n(when you hand [112236|Marlow Rhodes] the tabork, you notice tears in the corners of his eyes and nose, but intuition tells you to ignore them.)
Sys421812_szquest_descBring back 1 [203744|Freshly Harvested Tabork] for the old Lord [112236|Marlow Rhodes].
Sys421812_szquest_uncomplete_detailFamily honor...