result count: 5

Sys421816_nameEscrito en sangreWritten in Blood
Sys421816_szquest_accept_detail([112209|Cheney Chanep] vierte la poción por encima del pergamino, y enseguida notáis un olor acre)\n\nA ver... Permitidme que le eche un vistazo... Es mejor de lo que imaginaba... Sólo falta una última cosa...\n\n([112209|Cheney Chanep] coloca un nuevo pergamino encima y empieza a aparecer un texto escrito en letras rojas)\n\n¡Oh, no! La poción no ha funcionado como esperaba... El resultado no es tan bueno, y hay bastantes palabras ilegibles.\n\nPero se han desvelado algunas pistas. Una pena que no sepa leer... Cerca de aquí hay un lugar llamado la [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Fortaleza Abandonada], y allí habita todo tipo de gente. Llevad allí este [203748|Pergamino raído], a ver si alguien es capaz de descifrarlo.\n\nMe temo que yo ya no os puedo ayudar más.([112209|Cheney Chanep] sprinkles the completed potion all over the scroll, and you immediately smell a pungent odor)\n\nWell? Let me take a look... Yes, it's better than I imagined. Just one more step...\n\n([112209|Cheney Chanep] places a new piece of parchment over the scroll and you see some red writing begin to appear)\n\nOh no! What a shame; it looks like there was a problem with the potion. The result isn't as good as I thought; a lot of words are unclear.\n\nSome clues were still revealed, though. It's too bad I can't read. There's a place nearby called [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] with all kinds of people. Perhaps if you take this [203748|Worn-Out Scroll] there you might be able to find someone to read it.\n\nSorry! I can't help you anymore.
Sys421816_szquest_complete_detail¡Eh! Eso que tenéis en vuestras manos parece interesante... ¿Me permitís que le eche un vistazo?Hey, kid! It looks like you have something really interesting in your hands. I'd really like to take a closer look. Can I borrow it for a minute?
Sys421816_szquest_descLlevadle el [203748|Pergamino raído] a [112240|Shikude], en la [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Fortaleza Abandonada], para que valore su contenido.Take the [203748|Worn-Out Scroll] to [112240|Shikude] in [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] for appraisal.
Sys421816_szquest_uncomplete_detailEscuchad, joven... Eso que tenéis en la mano parece muy interesante. Ah, perdonad. Creo que me he equivocado.Hey Boy. That thing in your hand looks really interesting to me. Ah? Sorry. I must have been mistaken.