result count: 5

Sys421820_namePirate Appraiser
Sys421820_szquest_accept_detailWhen I was still in the Black Sail fleet, there was an appraiser named [112240|Shikude]. He was a key figure in determining the size of our plunders. It is said he now lives in [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress]. It's been many years, but I think this guy's head is still bright and alert. Maybe he knows something about the clues on this parchment. You should go ask him to take a look. It may sound strange, but he's the most honest of all the pirates I know. Consult with him and I'm sure he'll help you.
Sys421820_szquest_complete_detail[112238|Kolodo]? You say [112238|Kolodo] sent you to find me? Ha ha ha... I can't believe that guy still remembers me. He used to be known as "Black Shark." [112238|Kolodo], the ferocious pirate!\n\nNever mind! Enough about the past. Because of my friendship with him, plus my own interest in this situation, kid, I'll definitely help you out. Don't worry!
Sys421820_szquest_descConsult with [112240|Shikude] in [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] about the clues on the [203750|Sheepskin Parchment].
Sys421820_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo? Did you get your stuff back?