result count: 5

Sys421834_nameRune of Wind
Sys421834_szquest_accept_detailI've finally completed the Rune of Wind! Look at the light coming off the rune! It's so beautiful! It will be some time before it is usable. Sorry, but I can't really say any more than that.\n\nI have a friend who lives near the [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress]. I promised to let him see it as soon as it was finished. If you have time would you make the trip for me? \n\nMy friend is pretty jumpy. If you don't say the password "Long Live Nasty Surprises!" he will ignore you.
Sys421834_szquest_complete_detail(On hearing the password [112278|Bisa Anma] lifts his head.)\n\nOh? Did [112275|Sange Lede] send you to give me something? \n\nOkay then, hand it over.
Sys421834_szquest_descHelp [112275|Sange Lede] show the [203774|Wind Rune] to [112278|Bisa Anma] at the [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress].
Sys421834_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you don't have anything important to tell me you should stay out of my sight.