result count: 5

Sys421845_nameTalida's Problem
Sys421845_szquest_accept_detailOh... hello! *hick*... I realize that strangers ask a lot of you, but I have a problem that has been bugging me for a long time...\n\nI hear that [<S>100342|Bullfrogs] legs are very nourishing. I want to take 10 across to the [ZONE_FARCREST ESTATE|Calamus Manor]. But...but... aargh! I just can't stand the sound of [<S>100342|Bullfrogs]... Let alone kill them!\n\n[ZONE_FARCREST ESTATE|Calamus Manor] isn't far. I've already wasted a lot of time thinking about this, but I think with your help, we should get there.
Sys421845_szquest_complete_detailDear friend, [112282|Talida Shinre] is grateful!
Sys421845_szquest_descHelp [112282|Talida Shinre] by bringing back 10 [<S>203850|Bullfrog Leg Meat].
Sys421845_szquest_uncomplete_detailFollow the strip of land next to the river and you will find the [<S>100342|Bullfrogs].