result count: 5

Sys421848_nameMaking Mouthwatering Morsels
Sys421848_szquest_accept_detailIf you're not too busy could you help me prepare some food?\n\nIt's almost meal time. I can transform just about any ingredient into a dish that will make your mouth water. But I really would like to try the taste of that [203776|Hyena Meat]. Can you lend me a hand there?\n\n([112284|Pada Teo] mumbles: I didn't say it... I didn't say it... I didn't say anything about killing you... Don't come looking for me... If he kills you, go after him...)\n\nIf you have the time then how about you help out? It will be well worth your while.
Sys421848_szquest_complete_detailGot the ingredients? Hmm.. I'm going to make a dish that even the great kitchens of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] can't match. Oh... the smell won't... attract those beasts... I hope.
Sys421848_szquest_descHelp [112284|Pada Teo] by obtaining 6 pieces of [<S>203776|Hyena Meat] from the [<S>101571|Wasteland Hyenas] near the [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town] and the [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port].
Sys421848_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre the [<S>101571|Wasteland Hyenas] coming? Should I hide?