result count: 5

Sys421850_nameA Little Something Extra
Sys421850_szquest_accept_detailJust [<S>203776|Hyena Meat] is a bit boring. They say that the wing section of [<S>101570|Blackwinged Ravens] is very flexible due to the constant movement they make during long haul flights. \n\nLet's roast a few over the campfire to add some extra texture to my tender stew. I'll smother them in the specially manufactured sauce that I carry around. The aromas are so delicious they will make even the most iron-willed ascetics come running, bowls in hand!! \n\nOh! I spoke to loudly. I... I've heard that kind of crow is very cunning and can poke a person's eyes out... if they heard me then... No, no, I didn't say anything...
Sys421850_szquest_complete_detailSo fast! Keep it down. Don't let them see you handing it to me.
Sys421850_szquest_descHunt the [<S>101570|Blackwinged Ravens] around the [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] or near the [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town], bring back 6 pieces of [203779|Blackwinged Raven Meat] and give them to [112284|Pada Teo].
Sys421850_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat I just said doesn't count. I said nothing, nothing I tell you...