result count: 5

Sys421927_nameMaterials for Revealing the Prayer
Sys421927_szquest_accept_detailTake 8 [<S>203948|Sticky Body Fluids] from the [<S>100096|Irontail Anteaters] south of the Hunters' Camp as well as 5 units of [203949|Kista Powder] from the [<S>112356|Kista Flowers]. These items will cause the prayer to fully emerge on the chalice.
Sys421927_szquest_complete_detailGive me the stuff! We have to make a special goo to coat the chalice.
Sys421927_szquest_descTake 8 [<S>203948|Sticky Body Fluids] from the [<S>100096|Irontail Anteaters] south of the Hunters' Camp as well as 5 units of [203949|Kista Powder] from the [<S>112356|Kista Flowers].
Sys421927_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou still don't know where they are? The [<S>100096|Irontail Anteaters] and [<S>112356|Kista Flowers] are all just south of the Hunter's Camp.