result count: 8
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_421933_1 | Perdonad que os moleste... ¿Sabéis algo acerca de [112343|Louie Augustus] o de la [203962|Perla fantasma mágica]? | Excuse me, do you know anything about [112343|Louie August] or the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl]? |
SC_421933_2 | [203962|Perla fantasma mágica]...\n\nJa, ja, ja, ja...\n\n¿Qué pasa?\n\nVenid... Bebed, bebed... | [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] ~\n\nHahahahaha ~\n\nWhat's that?\n\nCome ~ drink ~ drink ~ |
SC_421933_3 | ¿[203962|Perla fantasma mágica]? ¿[112343|Louie Augustus]?\n\nSi me estáis preguntando eso, ¿habéis realizado ya el ritual de la esperanza?\n\nOs aconsejo que no penséis en esa perla mágica. En cuanto lleguéis al [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], os acaecerán terribles problemas.\n\nMi pierna derecha es la prueba. Por aquel entonces, solo pensaba en los beneficios que obtendría. En cuanto finalicé el ritual emprendí el camino hacia el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], pero nada más ponerme a buscar la [203962|Perla fantasma mágica], un grupo de gente con capas me atacó y mi pierna derecha resultó herida. | [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl]? [112343|Louie August]?\n\nIf you're asking this, did you hold that hope memorial service?\n\nI urge you, don't even think about that magic pearl. As soon as you get to [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], grave troubles will beset you.\n\nMy right leg is the best proof. At that time all I could think about were the benefits. As soon as the memorial service was complete I went to [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] but before I even had time to search for [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] I was hassled by a group of people wearing cloaks and my right leg was injured! |
Sys421933_name | El proverbio del borracho | Drunkard's Proverb |
Sys421933_szquest_accept_detail | Si lo que dijo ese monstruo es verdad, esa perla mágica se encuentra en poder de [112343|Louie Augustus], en el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve]...\n\n¿Por qué no vais a la [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Taberna "El Alambique"] y preguntáis a la clientela? Si [112343|Louie Augustus] ha estado por el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], seguramente se haya pasado por la [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Taberna "El Alambique"]. Id a preguntar a esa panda de borrachuzos si saben algo.\n\nBueno, yo soy un erudito de escritos antiguos, no de mitos. No creo que pueda escribir sobre esta historia sin fundamentos en mi libro. Además, no soy un cazatesoros, así que no os puedo acompañar en vuestra aventura por el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve]. ¡Lo siento! | If what that monster said is true, that magic pearl is in [112343|Louie August's] hands, in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]...\n\nPerhaps you can go to the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"] and ask around. If [112343|Louie August] has been active in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], he probably stayed at the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"]. You can go ask those drunk adventurers if they know anything.\n\nOk, I'm a scholar of ancient writings, not myths. I don't think I can write this unfounded story in my book. Also, I'm not a treasure hunter, so I can't accompany you on your adventure in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]. So it stops here! |
Sys421933_szquest_complete_detail | Afortunadamente, [112343|Louie Augustus] apareció en el momento oportuno y me salvó la vida. Mientras me curaba las heridas nos hicimos amigos, y tras estar charlando un buen rato, ¡caímos en la cuenta de que ese monstruo nos había mentido!\n\nSegún Louie, el monstruo le dijo que yo tenía la [203962|Perla fantasma mágica]; sin embargo, el monstruo me dijo que la tenía Alec Sanzo. Pero cuando me adentré en el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve], descubrí que Alec Sanzo había muerto hace tiempo.\n\n¡En ese momento supe que ambos habíamos caído en la trampa de ese astuto monstruo!\n\nDeber haber algo importante detrás del ritual de la esperanza...\n\nLouie se empeñó en seguir investigando este asunto, y yo quería ayudarle, pero no tuve más remedio que volver a la [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Taberna "El Alambique"] para recuperarme de mi pierna herida.\n\nSi vais a dirigiros al [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve] en busca de [112343|Louie Augustus], preparaos bien. ¡Por cierto!... Tengo algo para vos. | Fortunately, [112343|Louie August] appeared at the critical moment and saved me. During the treatment of my wounds we gradually became friends, and as soon as we started talking we discovered that we'd been misled by that monster!\n\nLouie said the monster told him that the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] was in my hands, but the monster told me that Alec Sanzo had it. However, when I went to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], I found that Alec Sanzo had died long ago.\n\nAt that point we both knew that we'd fallen into the trap of that cunning monster!\n\nThere must be a great plot behind the Rite of Hope!\n\nLouie insisted on staying behind to investigate more, and while I wanted to help, you know, I had no choice but to come back to the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"] and take care of my wounded leg.\n\nIf you want to go to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] to find [112343|Louie August] you'd best be prepared. Oh yes, I have something good to give you. |
Sys421933_szquest_desc | Dirigíos a la [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Taberna "El Alambique"] y preguntad a la clientela acerca del [542409|Informe importante]. | Go to the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"] and ask about the [542409|Relevant Report] |
Sys421933_szquest_uncomplete_detail | ... | ... |