result count: 5

Sys421935_nameCloak Material
Sys421935_szquest_accept_detailThis really is a good piece of material. My blood is boiling... What do you think, kid? If you want, I can make it into a protective cloak.\n\nBut I still need [101670|Bloodthirsty Demon Vine King's] [203958|Tenacious Vine] and 8 [<S>100226|Shaggy Bears'] [<S>203957|Claws]. Please go bring these two materials to me!
Sys421935_szquest_complete_detailOk, it's finally finished. I painstakingly crafted this protective cloak, so please use it well!
Sys421935_szquest_descGet [101670|Bloodthirsty Demon Vine King's] [203958|Tenacious Vine] and 8 [<S>100226|Shaggy Bears'] [<S>203957|Claws], and give them to [110159|Cynthia] to make the cloak.
Sys421935_szquest_uncomplete_detailTo make this [203956|Crystal Velvet] into a protective cloak I still need [101670|Bloodthirsty Demon Vine King's] [203958|Tenacious Vine] and 8[<S>100226|Shaggy Bears'] [<S>203957|Claws]. Please bring these materials to me!