result count: 14

SC_421945_1You used the [203983|Echo Stone] and it made the sound of [112360|Kaiza Kent's] incantation.
SC_421945_2[ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] changed and made a harsh roaring sound.
SC_421945_3 You obtained the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] from [101677|Magic Pearl Guard].
SC_421945_4Menacing shadows appear nearby and suddenly attack you.
SC_421945_5We finally found the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] ~ adventurer, thank you so much for your help. You can rest now!
SC_421945_6The Fountain of Gloom is still too far!
SC_421945_7We're almost there. Just a little closer and we will find The Fountain of Gloom!
SC_421945_8Seems The Fountain of Gloom is here!
SC_421945_9Remember that the [203961|Gloom Compass] can only be used in [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands].
Sys421945_nameOpen the Seal
Sys421945_szquest_accept_detailFirst, go to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and use the [203961|Gloom Compass] to find the Fountain of Gloom and sprinkle a large amount of [<S>203960|Cold Blood]. Finally, use this [203983|Echo Stone] to recite the curse. Then you'll be able to open the seal!\n\nDoes that make sense to you? Okay, I'll help you take the [203983|Echo Stone] and the [<S>203960|Cold Blood], and put them in this [204071|Sacrificial Package]. Remember, you just need to find the Fountain of Gloom with the [203961|Gloom Compass], and then you can use this package!\n\nHowever, in my experience, I've found that such a strong seal usually has a powerful guardian spirit.\n\nIf you think you can't handle this, I highly recommend that you find a few comrades to take along. After all, the challenge you are about to face is a complete mystery!
Sys421945_szquest_complete_detailSo this is the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] that [112343|Louie August] was searching for? Inside it, some sort of magical disturbance is whirling about. What a strange treasure!\n\nOh, yes...I almost forgot this letter!
Sys421945_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and use the [203961|Gloom Compass] to search for the Fountain of Gloom. Use the [204071|Sacrificial Package] to open the seal, and retrieve the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl].
Sys421945_szquest_uncomplete_detailFirst, go to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and use the [203961|Gloom Compass] to find the Fountain of Gloom. After that, use this [204071|Sacrificial Package] and sprinkle a large amount of [<S>203960|Cold Blood]. Finally, use this [203983|Echo Stone] to recite the spell, and you can then open the seal!