result count: 6

Sys421949_nameContacting Lof
Sys421949_shortnote[ZONE_FROSTGLOOM GULLY|Winternight Valley]
Sys421949_szquest_accept_detailBut I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg. I still don't understand the Zurhidon organization, but judging by their sinister methods, I believe there is an even more fearsome conspiracy behind them!\n\nWe've got to stop them. Since it was you who broke the seal on the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl], you above all others have the responsibility to stop the ensuing crisis. This is your calling!\n\nThis [203963|Package] has my letter of explanation, the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl], and Apenny's investigation report. Now, please take this [203963|Package] to [ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post] and find [112365|Lof Jerrold], teacher of the Eye of Wisdom. I think that he is the only one who can help you now.\n\nHowever, you need to get from here to [ZONE_DRAGONFANG RIDGE|Dragonfang Ridge], you will need to travel through [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM GULLY|Winternight Valley], which is crawling with monsters. It is a dangerous mountain road. You must proceed with the greatest caution!
Sys421949_szquest_complete_detailLouie? Oh...he's Councilor [112343|Louie August], right?\n\nHe asked you to bring this [203963|Package] to me? And a letter of explanation?\n\nWait, wait...let me read the letter a moment...
Sys421949_szquest_descWith the [203963|Package] from [112343|Louie August], cross [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM GULLY|Winternight Valley] and continue on to [ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post] in [ZONE_DRAGONFANG RIDGE|Dragonfang Ridge] and look for [112365|Lof Jerrold].
Sys421949_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy would you be looking for me?\n\nThe [203963|Package]? Major events? Louie? What does this mean?