result count: 5

Sys421957_nameLouie and Phil's Invitation
Sys421957_szquest_accept_detailCouncilors Louie and Phil have asked me, upon your return, to represent them in inviting you to Varanas Council to enjoy their hospitality.\n\nPlease don't refuse - you must go!
Sys421957_szquest_complete_detailI'm very excited to see you again. You are my most trusted friend, as well as an eternal ally to the House of August.\n\nAfter my brother told me everything concerning the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl], he ventured out once again to investigate the movements of the Zurhidon. He felt confident about leaving the affairs in the Council to me, and I will not spare my efforts, that my brother and I might magnify the glory of the House of August.\n\nThat black pearl on you. It can't be? Are they [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl]? How can it not be destroyed yet?\n\n(You tell [112346|Phil August] about the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] being purified.)\n\nSo the threat of it is gone? Wonderful!\n\nWe would like to give you this glorious chain, which is symbolizing the House of August. You can take the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] and insert it in the necklace, that it can commemorate this time.\n\nNow, my friend, I believe that it will not be long before I hear tell of your courageous exploits in some other place. And, next time you come to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas], don't forget to come and visit me, that I may enjoy the honor of your company.
Sys421957_szquest_descTake the [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] back to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and look for [112346|Phil August].
Sys421957_szquest_uncomplete_detailI would very much like to see that [203962|Magic Phantom Pearl] with my own eyes. I'm sure you've brought it!