result count: 5

Sys421996_nameWeapons of the Frostwood Valley Cyclopés
Sys421996_szquest_accept_detailThere is a group of [<S>100269|Cyclopes] in the eastern part of the [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley]. I hear they carry a type of huge weapon, making those [<S>100269|Frostwood Valley Cyclopes] look even more fierce. If you go over that way, could you bring back some [<S>203966|Cyclops Weapons] for me?\n\nI would like to use a [203966|Cyclops Weapon] as a model so I can produce some powerful weapons.
Sys421996_szquest_complete_detailIs this a [203966|Cyclops Weapon]?\n\nWhy is it that it looks so crude, and not fierce at all? It seems that I've fallen victim to some pretty fanciful rumors!
Sys421996_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley] for [112364|Gannalisa], get 20 [<S>203966|Weapons] from the [<S>100269|Frostwood Valley Cyclopes], and bring them back.
Sys421996_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>100269|Frostwood Valley Cyclopes] are so fierce. If you had not come along to help me, I definitely would not have been able to get my hands on those [<S>203966|Cyclops Weapons].