result count: 5

Sys421998_nameEven More Enormous
Sys421998_szquest_accept_detailIt seems that my estimates were incorrect. Even though these [<S>203967|Giant Antler Reindeer Antlers] are enormous, they are not stout enough. It's very easy for them to be broken in combat. I must find some more durable material.\n\nIn the area, there are more intelligent creatures called [100272|Elder Reindeer]. Please, get an [203972|Antler] from an [100272|Elder Reindeer] so I can hurry and get this weapon finished.
Sys421998_szquest_complete_detailIt turns out that the quality is much better than that of the [203967|Giant Antler Reindeer Antler], and this weapon can be swung with more momentum as well.
Sys421998_szquest_descGet an [203972|Antler] from an [100272|Elder Reindeer] and give it to [112364|Gannalisa].
Sys421998_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>203972|Elder Reindeer Antlers] would probably be more durable than [<S>203967|Giant Antler Reindeer Antlers], right?