result count: 5

Sys421999_nameUtility is More Important Than Looks
Sys421999_szquest_accept_detailIt seems that I have made a bit of a mistake. Even though those reindeer antlers look enormous and look pretty threatening, when attached to weapons, they actually inhibit the effectiveness.\n\nSouth of here, there is a creature called [100354|Wild Berhu]. Even though this creature's horns aren't as big as a reindeer's, they are a lot sharper. Because of this, the Minotaurs like to take [<S>100354|Wild Berhus] and make war steeds out of them.\n\nI think that this is what I need! Get 5 [<S>203973|Horns] from the [<S>100354|Wild Berhus] for me, and I should be able to complete the weapons.
Sys421999_szquest_complete_detailOh, do be careful. You don't want to get stabbed by the horns.\n\nIt turns out that the [203973|Berhu Horn] is as sturdy and sharp as I imagined. This time, my efforts to develop this new weapon will be successful. Thank you for your assistance, adventurer.
Sys421999_szquest_descGet 5 [<S>203973|Horns] from the [<S>100354|Wild Berhus] and bring them back to [112364|Gannalisa].
Sys421999_szquest_uncomplete_detailThese [<S>203973|Berhu Horns] seem to be just the material I need...