result count: 5

Sys422001_nameA Snow Ferret Feast
Sys422001_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, could you please go gather some ingredients for me?\n\nI need 10 pieces of [<S>203975|Snow Ferret Meat]. You can get them from [<S>100268|Ystra Ferret Cubs]. But remember, I only want meat from young ferrets. If they're too old, they're no good to eat.
Sys422001_szquest_complete_detailWonderful! With these ingredients, I can make the most delicious feast of Snow Ferret.
Sys422001_szquest_descGet 10 pieces of [<S>203975|Snow Ferret Meat] from [<S>100268|Ystra Ferret Cubs] and bring them back to [111249|Lik].
Sys422001_szquest_uncomplete_detailSeeing so many ingredients jumping around outside like that makes a chef so happy! If only I hadn't broken my leg...