result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys422008_name | La hermana perdida | No Sister to Be Found |
Sys422008_szquest_accept_detail | ¡Ha desaparecido! Nooo, mi hermana mayor ha desaparecido... Dijo que volvería pronto, que no tardaría demasiado, pero ya lleva todo el día fuera. Quiero que vuelva, joooo, joooo. Quizá se haya enterado de que perdí las bolas de cristal y por eso está enfadada conmigo y no quiere volver.\n\nPero... pero... si mi hermana no vuelve, tendré miedo por la noche... ¿Podríais ir a buscar a mi hermana? Se llama [111770|Tatasha] y es investigadora, suele ir a multitud de lugares para estudiar cosas. Si la veis, dadle esta [204005|Bolsa de bolas brillantes] y decidle que no se enfade conmigo. Volved cuanto antes, por favor. | Oh...she's gone...gone...oh... My big sister has disappeared...oh... She said she was just going out for a second, and that she would be right back. But it has been gone for most of the day, and I haven't seen her come back...oh, oh, oooh... Maybe she knows that I lost her crystal balls, so she is angry of me and will not come back any more?\n\nOh, oh, oh...if my sister doesn't return, I'll be afraid here all by myself...please, could you go help me look for my sister? Her name is [111770|Tatasha]. She's a researcher. She goes around to lots of places to study things. If you see her, please give this [204005|Bag of Sparkling Balls] to her, and ask her not to be angry at me. Come back soon, okay? |
Sys422008_szquest_complete_detail | Lo siento. Por favor, llevaos esta [204005|Bolsa de bolas brillantes] con vos. No estoy enfadada con Huck. Volveré dentro de poco. | I'm sorry. Please, take this [204005|Bag of Sparkling Balls] back with you. I'm not angry at Huck. I will return soon. |
Sys422008_szquest_desc | Encontrad a [111770|Tatasha] y dadle la [204005|Bolsa de bolas brillantes]. (La [111770|bruja Tatasha] es una investigadora; seguramente la podáis encontrar en algunas ruinas antiguas misteriosas). | Find [111770|Tatasha] and give the [204005|Bag of Sparkling Balls] to her. ([111770|Tatasha] is a researcher. Maybe you can find her at some mysterious ancient ruins.) |
Sys422008_szquest_uncomplete_detail | ¿Qué? Qué raro... Juraría que ya he pasado por este camino... Me temo que he estado dando vueltas y he terminado de nuevo aquí. | Huh? Strange...haven't I been on this path already? It seems I've circled around, only to end up back here again. |