result count: 4

Sys422009_nameRegresando rápidamenteReturning Quickly
Sys422009_szquest_accept_detailLo siento mucho. Es cierto que le dije a Huck que volvería pronto, pero, no sé cómo, me pongo a andar y siempre termino aquí.\n\nPor favor, volved y decidle a Huck que no se preocupe, que no me he enfadado. Cuando haya terminado, volveré.Adventurer, I am really very sorry. I originally told Huck that I would return quickly, but somehow, as I walk, I always end up back here again.\n\nPlease, go back and talk to Huck for me. Tell him not to worry, and that I'm not angry at him. Once I'm done here, I'll return.
Sys422009_szquest_complete_detail¿Mi hermana mayor no se ha enfadado? ¡Menos mal!\n\nDe todas formas, se ha perdido. Si no, ¿por qué acaba siempre en el mismo lugar? ¿Le dijisteis cuál era el camino de vuelta?\n\n¿Qué? ¡Lo olvidasteis! Nooo, noooo, ¿cómo va a volver ahora mi hermanita? Nooo, nooo... ¡Seguro que seguirá perdida toda la noche en la más absoluta oscuridad!My big sister isn't angry? Wonderful!\n\nBut my sister has definitely gotten herself lost. Otherwise, why would she just keep returning to the same spot? Did you tell her how to get back?\n\nWhat? You forgot! Oh, oh, oh...then how will my sister get back? Oh, oh, oh...she will be wandering around in the dark all night...oh, oh...
Sys422009_szquest_descDecidle a [112374|Huck llorón] que habéis encontrado a su hermana y que no se preocupe.Tell [112374|Crybaby Huck] that you've found his sister, and that he need not worry.