result count: 4

Sys422022_nameOtros requisitosOther Requirements
Sys422022_szquest_accept_detailSe dice que [112392|Chilly Clark] es un buen cazador, pero nunca he visto que haya cazado un animal muy grande, así que tiene que haber alguna otra manera de ser un gran cazador.\n\nPreguntadle cuáles son los otros requisitos para ser un experto. Suele cazar cerca de la orilla norte del lago congelado que hay en el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve].[112392|Chilly Clark] is generally acknowledged as being a good hunter, but I've never seen him hunt any large-scale prey so there must be other methods for becoming a good hunter.\n\nPlease help me ask him what requirements there are for becoming a good hunter. He often hunts near the north side of the iced-over lake in [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow].
Sys422022_szquest_complete_detail¿Qué se necesita para ser un cazador experto? Hacéis bien en preguntarme...\n\nNo hagáis caso de lo que os digan otros acerca de cazar animales grandes y pavonearse. Para ser un buen cazador tenéis que contar con una vista de águila y reflejos de gato.You're asking me how to become a good hunter? Then you've come to the right person.\n\nDon't listen to what others say about having to hunt heavy prey and then brag about yourself. To be a good hunter, you should have sharp eyes and be able to move about quickly.
Sys422022_szquest_descId a la orilla norte del lago helado que hay en el [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Mar de Nieve] y encontrad a [112392|Chilly Clark].Go near the north side of the frozen lake in [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] to find [112392|Chilly Clark].