result count: 5

Sys422045_nameContrarrestar la energía de la LuzCountering the Energy of Light?
Sys422045_szquest_accept_detail([112415|Utofi Lela] se queda observando durante algún tiempo..). \n\nNo puedo negarlo, [112414|Famanti Sica] no se equivoca.\n\nHe dicho muchas veces que su magia es brujería siniestra porque su manera de usarla siempre causaba daños al medio ambiente. No solo no entendía lo que yo le decía sino que intentaba imponer sus ideas a todos los que lo rodeaban.\n\nDurante mucho tiempo, eso ha puesto en peligro nuestra capacidad de sobrevivir en este entorno.\n\nDespués de cada discusión, tengo ganas de hacerle recuperar el sentido común de un golpe. Pero eso solo le daría una excusa para decir que utilizo mis conocimientos militares de mercenario para intimidarle.\n\nEntiendo por qué le da tanta importancia a la magia, pero quiero moderar su arrogancia.\n\nLlevadle a [112414|Famanti Sica] esta gema luminosa natural para demostrarle una vez más que la naturaleza puede igualar su querida magia.<[112415|Utofi Lela] silently contemplates for a long time...>\n\nIt's undeniable... [112414|Famanti Sica] isn't wrong about this.\n\nI mentioned more than once that his magic was sinister sorcery because the way he used magic always resulted in harm to the environment. Not only did he not understand what I was saying, but even worse, he tried to implant his ideas in all those close to him.\n\nFor a long time, this has threatened our ability to exist in this environment.\n\nAfter each confrontation I really want to slap some sense into him. Too bad that would only give him an excuse to say I used my military skills learned in mercenary training to bully him.\n\nAlthough I have some understanding of why he accords great importance to magic, I still want to temper his arrogance.\n\nPlease bring this light-emitting natural jewel to [112414|Famanti Sica] to prove once again that natural power is enough to match his so-called magic.
Sys422045_szquest_complete_detail¿Quiere volver a atacar los resultados de mi magia?\n\nEsta [204081|Gema luminosa] me resulta familiar...He wants to attack the results of my magic again?\n\nAh, this [204081|Luminous Gem] seems familiar...
Sys422045_szquest_descDadle a [112414|Famanti Sica] de la [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER GARRISON|Guarnición de la Orden de la Gloria Siniestra] la [204081|Gema luminosa] de [112415|Utofi Lela].Give the [204081|Luminous Gem] given to you by [112415|Utofi Lela] to [112414|Famanti Sica] of [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER GARRISON|Order of Dark Glory Garrison].
Sys422045_szquest_uncomplete_detail[112415|Utofi Lela] no entenderá lo que pienso. ¡Voy a hacer algo más impulsivo!There's no way [112415|Utofi Lela] can sense what I'm thinking. Maybe I'll do something impulsive!