result count: 5

Sys422047_nameHacer las pacesMaking Peace
Sys422047_szquest_accept_detail¡Gracias por vuestra ayuda, viajero! Si no hubieseis tendido puentes entre nosotros, el malentendido que nos separaba no se habría aclarado nunca.\n\nSeguro que alguien con vuestra habilidad alcanzará la fama. Tanto si seguís una carrera militar como si os dedicáis a la magia, espero que sepáis respetar la naturaleza y que no dañéis el equilibrio del mundo.\n\nSi vais en esa dirección, ¿podéis llevarle estos aperitivos a [112414|Famanti Sica]?\n\n¡Le encantan! Cuando éramos jóvenes, siempre los llevábamos cuando íbamos a explorar. Desde que nos peleamos, no hemos podido tener una conversación relajada.\n\nPero el malentendido se aclarará algún día. Voy a hacer... Bueno, le pediré al instructor de cocina que prepare una [204082|Bolsa de aperitivos caseros]. Gracias.Traveler, thanks for your help. If it wasn't for you bridging the gap between us, the misunderstanding between us might not have been healed during our lifetimes.\n\nI have a hunch that someone of your skill will become famous. I hope that regardless of whether you lean towards military strength or magic, you will be somebody that respects nature and doesn't harm the balance of the world.\n\nIf it's on the way, can you help me give this snack to [112414|Famanti Sica]?\n\nHe really likes this kind of snack. When we were young, we often brought some with us when we went exploring. Since our dispute, we haven't had the chance to have a light conversation.\n\nLuckily the misunderstanding will be fixed one day so I will make... I'll ask the cooking tutor to make a [204082|Bag of Handmade Snacks]. Thank you.
Sys422047_szquest_complete_detailEstá claro que lo hizo [112415|Utofi Lela]. Siempre pensó que este aperitivo no era apropiado para un fuerte mercenario.\n\nSigue siendo un secreto entre los mercenarios. Si os pidió que me trajeseis esto, significa que hemos enterrado el hacha de guerra.\n\nNunca pensé que... podríamos recuperar la amistad que nos unía antes. ¡Y todo gracias a vos!This is clearly made by [112415|Utofi Lela] himself. He always felt that this snack wasn't a good fit for powerful mercenaries.\n\nThis is still a secret amongst the mercenaries. Since he asked you to bring this... this shows that the two of us have finally buried the hatchet.\n\nI hadn't thought... The relationship between him and I could return to how it was before. This is all because of you, thanks!
Sys422047_szquest_descLlevadle la [204082|Bolsa de aperitivos caseros] de [112415|Utofi Lela] a [112414|Famanti Sica] en la [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER GARRISON|Guarnición de la Orden de la Gloria Siniestra].Bring the [204082|Bag of Handmade Snacks] for [112415|Utofi Lela] to [112414|Famanti Sica] of [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER GARRISON|Order of Dark Glory Garrison].
Sys422047_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿[112415|Utofi Lela] odia la magia por mi causa?\n\nLlevamos tanto tiempo enfrentados que no había entendido nuestras diferencias hasta ahora.\n\nSi él supiera que yo oculté la copa, vendría a pedírmela hecho una furia. ¡Lo espero con ansia!Does [112415|Utofi Lela] dislike magic because of me?\n\nI was at odds with him for so long, only now do I finally understand our positions on this matter...\n\nIf he knew that I hid the wine glass, he would come here in a fit of anger to ask about it. I look forward to it!