result count: 7

SC_422059Hey! Lucky guy, the lieutenant wants to talk with you about something...
SC_422059_1Some villagers are hurt. I'm going to go and take a look.\nPlease excuse me, adventurer.
Sys422059_nameTake what you deserve
Sys422059_szquest_accept_detailThis area isn't very safe. The guards have made every effort to arrange patrols, but not everything can be taken into account. Please be careful.\n\nAlso, the supply team is under-staffed, so cherish any supplies you find.\n\nAlthough [112509|Loley Yingli] is easygoing, it's rare for him to speak so highly of someone. You're mentioned many times in this letter. Take this [204135|Special Badge] and the guards will know who you are.\n\nThen, go to paymaster, [112516|Lokin Kajad], to get your reward. It'll be useful to you in your travels.
Sys422059_szquest_complete_detailHello!\nOh, this [204135|Special Badge]...\n\nDid the lieutenant give it to you himself?\n\nYou're really honorable!\nCome choose the supplies you need...
Sys422059_szquest_descGo to the Guard's paymaster, [112516|Lokin Kajad], in [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village] to collect your reward.
Sys422059_szquest_uncomplete_detailSupply lines are too long...transporting materials is difficult enough in the first place...Tiktaalik are always stealing. These peoples' lives will become more difficult.