result count: 13

SC_422075We already returned to the village so don't follow me anymore!
SC_422075_1Uncle... When can we go out again?
SC_422075_2You think I'm stupid enough to let you creep up on me again?
SC_422075_3Uncle! I want to go out and play...
SC_422075_4Thanks for your help...this time.
SC_422075_5That's nothing! You still have to protect the villagers...
SC_422075_6But before we help the Tiktaalik resolve their problems, the wild will still be very dangerous.
SC_422075_7Ok, I'll tell him again.
SC_422075_8Uncle! Wait for me...
Sys422075_nameResponse to the Investigation
Sys422075_szquest_accept_detailPerhaps... you still doubt me. Just like I don't trust your motivations for coming here.\n\nSo what?\n\nBut you need to consider, should humans really want to stop the Naga relying only on their own strength even more sacrifices of innocent lifes would be necessary ... this... the one that sent you here will understand.\n\nHe can break the barrier that the Naga priestess [102040|Medusa] ordered [102021|Jiasha] to build. That guy is extraordinary, only I'm really curious... How much does he understand our culture?\nThe one that was able to help you get here should be that weird guy from the ecological research team.\n\nYou humans are interesting... although people of the same race you nevertheless take different positions on issues. You monitor each other and defend against each other. You waste your efforts on this. Why not do something more meaningful?\n\nGo, I wish you luck, [$PLAYERNAME].
Sys422075_szquest_complete_detail[112517|Jiatu]! I've heard of him... the Tiktaalik priest second only to the king!\n\n[112514|Dilar Yeli] is always mumbling this name ...\n\nDid the old priest tell you this himself?\n\nUn... the investigation this time... the ecological research team helped a lot... in a bit I'll look over this report.\n\nThis has been hard work for you. Take your well-deserved prize and get a good rest!
Sys422075_szquest_descReport to Lieutenant [112508|Mavate Daviny] in [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village].