result count: 13

SC_422077_0Mother, mother...
SC_422077_1Sorry I didn't drive off those bandits, but instead...
SC_422077_2Jiminy, Mummy doesn't care. She just wants you back!
SC_422077_3I'm... very lucky to have you for my parents and Anab as my sister.
SC_422077_4No! Why can't I touch you?
SC_422077_5Mother, don't be sad, Anab doesn't like to be alone. Have another child to take my place...
SC_422077_6I will always be at your side...
SC_422077_7Jiminy, Jiminy...
Sys422077_nameJiminy's Request
Sys422077_szquest_accept_detailYou...can see me and hear me? Wonderful! You're one of the few people who has seen me and not run away screaming. Hello, I'm [114689|Jiminy Sharay]. As you can see, I'm a knight in training. I once dreamed of becoming as strong as commander [114367|General Lance] of the Lionheart Knights, but doesn't seem likely.\n\nI still can't quite believe I'm dead. It's a strange feeling, as if you know you're standing in a cold place, but you can't feel the frost. Maybe it's because I no longer have a warm you understand? No need to was a stupid question.\n\nIf you don't mind, could you give this cuff link to Lady [114422|Claudia Sharay]? The Sharay family would thank you.
Sys422077_szquest_complete_detailThis cuff link is a symbol of our could...
Sys422077_szquest_desc[114689|Jiminy Sharay] asks you to take the [206832|Sharay Patriarch Cuff Link] to [114422|Claudia Sharay].
Sys422077_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy Jiminy...