result count: 5

Sys422112_nameLove Pie Delivery
Sys422112_szquest_accept_detailThe villagers of [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor] ... what a pity ... Fortunately, we have [114366|Jessie Mocliff] here, and after losing to him a few times, the bandits gave up on us.\n\nI'm just a pie maker, but I want to do something for those suffering people. I thought about it, and all I can do is make pies. So, I made some pies to send over to them. When they've had their fill, then they can start to think about the future.\n\nThere are still bandits out there, so can you help me deliver the pies to the villagers of [ZONE_ZIGGERO_VILLAGE|Carforn] located in [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor]? There are a lot of pies, so you might have to make several trips.
Sys422112_szquest_complete_detailAre these hot pies for us? Wonderful! Thank you.\n\nThis is a small token, just take it as payment for this trip. When the roads are safe, I'll personally deliver my thanks to [114424|Geraya Pan].
Sys422112_szquest_descDeliver [114424|Geraya Pan's] [<S>206406|Hunter's Tasty Pies] to [114744|Nichi Puar] of [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor].
Sys422112_szquest_uncomplete_detailEverything has been stolen. All that's left is some moldy bacon and stale flour, but it's edible...