result count: 7
keystring | eneu |
SC_422117_0 | I am fully prepared to listen. |
SC_422117_1 | We Elves believe in the legend of the Curse of the Two Kings: When the Elven King's twin sons were born, the entire world was faced with a great calamity.\n\nOne thousand years ago, there were two Elven Kings. In the time of Holy King Antaikolon and Holy King Isnasil, the whole world was thrown into a struggle: The Great Banishment.\n\nHoly King Antaikolon ordered Holy King Isnasil to leave the land of Candara. Because of this, Holy King Antaikolon has also been called "The Rebel King." Many battle skills were handed down by him.\n\nThe appearance of two kings always leads to catastrophe. Separation is imperative. This is a rule that must be followed.\n\nMany things have happened among the Elves of Candara in the intervening millennium. You can understand, then, that the most important thing of now, most of the Elves of Candara have been killed. This was caused by the actions of Humans.\n\nIn the name of the Holy King of the Elves, we swear to return to the remaining Elves and the lost battle skills and raise the Elves to greatness once more. |
Sys422117_name | Cannot be Forgotten... |
Sys422117_szquest_accept_detail | As I want to tell [112848|Aiman] my believe that the Holy King can use his battle skills to the fullest and we once were able to follow in his footsteps, too.\n\nBut now most of these battle skills have already been lost. It's all due to what happened a thousand years ago...\n\nYou should understand... these things that cannot be forgotten. |
Sys422117_szquest_complete_detail | We cannot forget our mission as Elves. |
Sys422117_szquest_desc | Talk to Master [112844|Torchas] to understand what cannot be forgotten. |
Sys422117_szquest_uncomplete_detail | There are some things you must know, but maybe it is a bit early to talk about it. I trust that if you do it... you'll certainly be successful. |