result count: 4
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys422126_name | Amonestación del Rey del Agua | Admonition of the King of the Water |
Sys422126_szquest_accept_detail | Volved y decidle a quien os envía que, aunque esté aquí encarcelado, llegará un día en que me liberaré de este sello y, entonces lo pagarán caro.\n\nAdvertidles de que no sigan conspirando y enviando gente aquí para robar mis poderes. Decidles que se mantengan alejados de mí. De lo contrario, mi ira elemental será causa de su eterno pesar... | Go back and tell the one who sent you that, even though I have been imprisoned here, there will come a day when I will break free of this seal, and then they will pay.\n\nWarn them that they had better not continue conspiring to send people here to steal my powers. Tell them to stay far away from me. Otherwise, my elemental wrath will be the source of their eternal regret... |
Sys422126_szquest_complete_detail | ¿Ya habéis vuelto?\n\n¿Habéis conseguido el dispositivo de recolección para extraer el poder elemental? | You've returned?\n\nSo have you brought back the elemental power collection device? |
Sys422126_szquest_desc | Transmitidle a [112499|Trevor Haymore] la advertencia del Rey del Agua. | Give [112499|Trevor Haymore] the King of the Water's warning. |