result count: 5

Sys422154_nameInstrument Construction - Rattle
Sys422154_szquest_accept_detailA rattle uses the hard shell of a fruit or a ball made out of wood for its body which is then filled with grains, small pearls or the like and then equipped with a handle. To play them, you grab one with each hand and shake them up and down or sideways. The trick is to get the contents of the rattle to make quick and precise Cha-Cha sounds.\n\nTo thank you for accepting this quest, I will give you a <CP>Prototype of a Rattle</CP> as a present, which was previously created by a magical melody. If you succeed in learning to perform with the rattles, it will <CS>raise physical and magical defense </CS> for you and the members of your group.
Sys422154_szquest_complete_detailI can hardly believe that all the materials to make the rattle are lying in front of me. It seems that today is my lucky day. Adventurer, I thank you for everything you did. Please, do not refuse your deserved reward.
Sys422154_szquest_descCollect the following, which are made by processing special raw materials from [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell] and the [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands]: [202578|Mysticite Ingot] and [202614|Sagewood Plank]. You also need [<S>204530|Transparent Jade] from the [ZONE_TILEDGN_LASKOTAR_ARCANE_CHAMBER|Arcane Chamber of Sathkur], [<S>204528|Ancient Fossils] from the [ZONE_DGN_FORLORN_MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] and some [<S>204531|Magic Hormones] from monsters in the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes] and [ZONE_SILVERSPRING|Silverspring].
Sys422154_szquest_uncomplete_detailAdventurer, what unsettling problems have you been facing? Do calm down a little and listen to the tune the wind is playing.