result count: 5

Sys422176_szquest_accept_detailWe haven't just fallen behind schedule for no reason!\n\nI warned [112639|Catherine Eton]. We don't have enough men in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] to do what is needed. I told her that there was no way for us to meet such a large amount of these difficult and urgent requirements, but she wouldn't listen! On top of that, there is one thing on this list that is just about impossible to get - [204304|Forest Powder]! And with time constraints, it's even worse!\n\nTo get the [204304|Forest Powder] from [101845|Dirks], I spent a lot of time trying to lure this crafty fox into a trap, but could never get him! This fox seems to already know our scent, so getting a hold of him would be a very difficult thing!\n\nRight now, all I can do is get someone new to go place the bait so he won't be so wary! I see that you are a capable one, so what do you say? Would you like to try?\n\nIf you are willing to help, then go get some fresh [<S>204303|Fox Meat]!
Sys422176_szquest_complete_detailAh, you've returned! Okay, so we'll need to switch that out with the bait from before!\n\nAlright... Let me take these slabs of meat and "season" them a bit!
Sys422176_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and get 8 pieces of [<S>204303|Fox Meat] from the [<S>101751|Forest Foxes] and give them to [112640|Andre Shili].
Sys422176_szquest_uncomplete_detailFirst bring some fresh [<S>204303|Fox Meat]! The meat we used for bait before may already be rotting!