result count: 5

Sys422190_nameReparación de la barcaRepairing the Boat
Sys422190_szquest_accept_detail([112621|Howey Mingstun] os echa una mirada inquisitiva).\n¿Y?... ¿Habéis conseguido [<S>204315|Cangrejos herradura de la Costa de los Lamentos] para ese joven soñador?\n\n¡Ya veremos quién tiene razón! Aunque desde aquí no lograba oír lo que decíais, no me ha hecho falta, su cara lo ha dicho todo. La razón por la que los [<S>204315|Cangrejos herradura de la Costa de los Lamentos] no son apropiados para el consumo se debe a que son todo caparazón, no se les puede ni hincar el diente.\n\nYa es suficiente. Acabo de terminar de arreglar mi equipo de pesca, pero tengo un pequeño problema: mi barca está destrozada, obra de algún desalmado. ¡Seguro que fueron esos piratas! Siempre aprovechan cuando estoy durmiendo para destrozarla. Teniendo en cuenta su actual estado, creo que sería más seguro usar un barril que mi barca. ¿Me podéis hacer un favor? Hay [<S>112629|Montones de madera] en la costa. ¿Podéis conseguir un poco de [204316|Madera seca] para arreglar la barca? Creo que con unos 10 trozos será suficiente.([112621|Howey Mingstun] is regarding you with an inquiring expression.)\nSo? Have you gotten some [<S>204315|Weeping Coast Horseshoe Crabs] for that daydreaming youngster?\n\nI think he has gotten his answer now! Even though, from here, I couldn't hear what you two were saying, but judging his reaction, I didn't need to. The reason the [204315|Weeping Coast Horseshoe Crab] is no good for eating isn't because it has a bad flavor, but because it's pretty much all shell. There's nothing to eat, really.\n\nBut that's enough about that. I've just about finished fixing my equipment, but there is another problem. My boat is ruined, you see. Someone completely destroyed it. I think it was those pirates! They always come and damage my boat while I am sleeping! As it is right now, I think it would be a lot safer to use a simple barrel to ship out than using my boat... So could I ask you to do something for me? There are many [<S>112629|Flood Wood Stacks] on this coast. Perhaps you could get some [<S>204316|Dry Wood] from those and help me fix my boat. I believe 10 pieces or so would be enough.
Sys422190_szquest_complete_detail([112621|Howey Mingstun] examina con detalle la madera que habéis conseguido).\n\nSerá suficiente con esto que habéis traído. Ya puedo empezar a reparar mi barca. Os doy las gracias.\n\nPuede que esos piratas aparezcan de nuevo por aquí, y esperarán a que esté durmiendo para destrozar la barca. No es la primera vez que me ocurre, y no creo que sea la última, así que será mejor que me dé prisa en repararla.([112621|Howey Mingstun] carefully inspects the wood that you have brought back.)\n\nWell, I think these are acceptable. Now I can start fixing my boat. Thank you, traveler.\n\nThose pirates might come back again. They always wait until I'm resting, and then they come and damage my boat. This wasn't the first time, and I don't think it will be the last, so I should probably hurry and get this boat fixed.
Sys422190_szquest_descConseguid 10 trozos de [204316|Madera seca] de entre los [<S>112629|Montones de madera] que hay repartidos por la [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Costa de los Lamentos] para que el anciano pescador [112621|Howey Mingstun] pueda reparar su barca.Gather 10 pieces of [<S>204316|Dry Wood] from the [<S>112629|Flood Wood Stacks] on the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] for [112621|Howey Mingstun] the old fisherman so he can fix his damaged boat.
Sys422190_szquest_uncomplete_detail([112621|Howey Mingstun] murmura para sus adentros).\n\n¿Qué ocurre? ¿Cómo es que nunca logro adivinar por qué mi barca aparece siempre destrozada? ¿Acaso mi sueño es tan profundo? ¡Esto es un misterio para mí!([112621|Howey Mingstun] is talking to himself.)\n\nWhat is going on? Why is it that I just can't figure out how my boat is getting damaged? Could I have been sleeping that deeply? It's such a mystery!