result count: 5

Sys422193_nameBait Seller Boy
Sys422193_szquest_accept_detailOh drats! I forgot something really important. \n\nThose pirates I talked about before chucked out my fishing bait. How am I supposed to catch a fish without bait? Tricky, huh?\n\nThe nearest bait merchant is [112623|Ment Milon] at [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village]. Can I ask you to make the trip for me? I have to stay here and work on the boat...\n\nI watched that boy grow up. I want you to go speak to him. Give him this [204313|Bait Recipe List]. He'll know what to give you. Please!
Sys422193_szquest_complete_detail[112621|Howey Mingstun]? Old [112621|Howey] you say?\n\nHonestly! He's at the coast again! I told him before, the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] is a very dangerous place right now. I told him not to go back there. Why doesn't he listen to me? \n\n[204313|Bait Recipe List]? He's probably heading straight out to find the Teeth of the Reef, am I right? No! No! No! I've got to stop him.
Sys422193_szquest_descGo to the bait merchant [112623|Ment Milon] in [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village] for old fisherman [112621|Howey Mingstun] from the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] and hand him the [204313|Bait Recipe List].
Sys422193_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou don't look like a fisherman... What business could you have with me?