result count: 5

Sys422194_szquest_accept_detail([112623|Ment Milon] looks to have calmed down a bit.)\n\nMy apologies, I forget myself. I am [112623|Ment Milon]. Old [112621|Howey] is my only family in this world, which is why I reacted as I did.\n\nHe may not be my natural father, but after my parents went missing in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], he raised me single-handedly and taught me how to make bait. He's as close to family as I've got.\n\nI realize that he entrusted you with a task, but I also know that if he gets his hands on the bait he will head out to challenge the Teeth of the Reef and die. You probably don't want to see that happen either. So, could you do me a favor?\n\nI want you to help me collect some [<S>204314|Kami Mushrooms] near [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village]. I need them to make something special. Please!
Sys422194_szquest_complete_detailYou've got everything I need? I'm so grateful!\n\nNow, just let me get these things ready...
Sys422194_szquest_descHelp [112623|Ment Milon] collect 8 [<S>204314|Kami Mushrooms] near [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village].
Sys422194_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>204314|Kami Mushrooms] shouldn't be hard to find. They look nothing like the more common orange marsh mushroom.